North Carolina Regional 2013
The first regional was an amazing experience as no one in the team had ever experienced before. We went to the North Carolina Regional at J.S. Dorton Arena in Raleigh. We were blown away by this life changing experience. At our first day in Raleigh we were honored to be able to visit FRC 122 the NASA Knights. With their help, we were able to start Team Rembrandts in 2012. At the beginning of the regional we were very nervous because our software wasn’t finished yet and during the robot inspection we found out that our robot was too heavy. With great effort, team work and help from others we managed to finish our software and get through the robot inspection just before the first match. It was a wonderful feeling when we saw our robot “Rembrandt” in action. It was lovely to meet all those fantastic and inspiring people. We were surprised when we managed to ended up in the quarterfinals. We had already a great time and getting qualified for the quarterfinals was a wonderful bonus. In the end we finished at ranking 32 out of the 55 teams. We had a life changing experience and were very proud at our performance. But against all expectations we got the honor of winning the Rookie All Star Award. This meant that our adventure was not over yet. Because of the Rookie All Star Award we were qualified for the 2013 FIRST Championship in Saint Louis. Thanks to all the great teams, volunteers and organizers we had an unbelievable great time. We got very inspirited to do our part in spreading the FIRST and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) thought.